Make Every Day Earth Day!


This year, at FamilyID, we’re all about taking time to reflect on the things for which we’re grateful.

Earth Day has always been near and dear to our hearts. As we reflect on this Earth Day, we’re incredibly grateful to serve the thousands of school districts who have made the choice to move to online registration for their school programs, events and activities.

We invite you to help us celebrate all of the schools and community organizations who have helped make a huge difference by choosing to run programs that are administratively efficient and environmentally friendly.

FamilyID has processed more than 6.2 MILLION registrations for nearly 2 MILLION families across the country.

We’re excited for schools and families alike to see the continued benefits of modernizing their registration process as everyone adjusts to the return of in-person programs and activities.

See below for some fun facts about the impact schools around the country are making by going paperless with FamilyID!


Are you a K-12 school?

Click here to learn more about how FamilyID helps schools run more efficiently. Contact 1-800-311-4060 or email to request more information and schedule a free demo.


Health Tracking for Schools


Customize your registration view and zip through your day!