Put your megaphone away. (we make it easy for you to shout from the rooftops.)


Want to notify ALL the participants in your club, activity or sports program? You can with our 'EMAIL' feature.

This may be the most requested feature, ever.

Did you know you can send a bulk email to any group of registrants, directly from your registration list or report?

Plus, you can customize the "From" and "Reply to" settings to any of the users on your account.

  • Email hundreds of registrants at a time from your registrations list or report.

  • Create your own subject line.

  • Format and add links to the body text of your email.

  • Specify "who" the email is from using the 'From' field.

  • Assign an email address where any replies to the email will be sent using the 'Reply To' field.

Want to learn more about this feature? Read our Help Article HERE.

Are you part of a K-12 school?

Click here to learn more about how FamilyID can help you run more efficient sports programs. We have special pricing for K-12 schools. Call 1-781-205-2800 ext 5 or email news@familyid.com for more information from a friendly member of our team.


Every day is Earth Day at FamilyID!


Spring into a new sports season with these tips.